Persuasive Essay on the Positive Impact of Cosmetic Surgery on Self-Esteem
Throughout history, physical beauty has been revered, often seen as a reflection of inner beauty. Each year, individuals invest significant resources in enhancing their appearance, whether through temporary solutions like makeup or more permanent procedures such as rhinoplasty and orthodontics. The desire for an attractive face and body shape is driven by the aspiration for a more fulfilling social life. Consequently, there’s a rising demand for cosmetic surgery in the Western world, including procedures like facelifts, breast augmentations, and liposuction, all of which are typically elective surgeries. This paper aims to explore the positive correlation between cosmetic surgeries, self-esteem, and improved social interactions.
The Study’s Findings
Self-esteem is a crucial factor influencing human behavior, shaping how individuals perceive and navigate various aspects of life. Altering one’s appearance can significantly impact self-esteem and, consequently, daily interactions. While numerous studies have explored the psychological effects of cosmetic surgeries on individuals’ self-perception and satisfaction, conflicting results have emerged. This meta-analysis seeks to address these discrepancies and provide clarity on the effects of cosmetic surgery on self-esteem and body image. According to the findings of this systematic review and meta-analysis study, the mean self-esteem score was 15.4 ± 4.4 before the intervention and increased to 16.5 ± 4.8% after the intervention, with a 95% confidence interval (Atiyeh, 2020).
The Influence of Self-Esteem
Individuals who face physical or aesthetic challenges often struggle with social interactions, impacting their quality of life, self-esteem, and body image. Research by Mohsen et al. (2022) indicates that as self-esteem improves, so does body image, leading to an overall enhancement in quality of life and a reduction in potential psychological disorders. Body image development begins in childhood, stabilizes in adulthood, but may decline around the ages of 35 to 40. Those with higher body image satisfaction, regardless of gender, tend to exhibit greater self-esteem. Various factors such as age, gender, education level, occupation, surgical history, and socio-economic and cultural status can influence how cosmetic surgery affects body image and self-esteem. Elevated body image and self-esteem provide individuals with the confidence to navigate challenging situations.
The Role of Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery has been shown to positively impact self-esteem and body image, making it a topic of interest for health policymakers and professionals. The study highlights the benefits of abdominoplasty, revealing improvements in overall quality of life, particularly in family relations. Patients also experience increased self-confidence and emotional stability following the procedure, significantly enhancing their lives. Given the societal and psychological significance of physical beauty, cosmetic surgery offers patients high levels of satisfaction, with over 90% of abdominoplasty patients reporting improved sexual relations and body satisfaction (Atiyeh, 2020).
Implications for Health Policy
The findings underscore the importance of cosmetic surgery in restoring mental well-being, particularly for individuals who have suffered disfigurement due to injuries or accidents. This has significant implications for health policy, especially in terms of insurance coverage provided by health insurance companies. By addressing not only physical but also psychological issues, health insurance policies can better support individuals in need of plastic surgery.
Precautionary Measures
However, caution is warranted in selecting suitable candidates for cosmetic surgery. Patients influenced by external pressures, such as the expectations of partners or the desire to improve relationships, may not be ideal candidates. Additionally, individuals with psychiatric histories, unrealistic expectations, or a pattern of seeking multiple surgical opinions should be carefully evaluated and may benefit from psychiatric counseling before undergoing surgery. Instability in occupational and social status can also serve as a red flag, necessitating further assessment and follow-up to mitigate potential future issues (Mohsen et al. 2022).
In summary, our systematic review and meta-analysis confirm the positive impact of cosmetic surgery on self-esteem and body image, often with minimal complications and high patient satisfaction rates. However, surgeons must exercise caution and consider the psychological well-being of patients before proceeding with cosmetic procedures. A comprehensive understanding of patients’ behaviors, emotions, and motivations, coupled with a psychoanalytic perspective, can aid in selecting the most appropriate candidates for cosmetic surgery.
Atiyeh, B. S., Rubeiz, M. T., Hayek, S. N. (2020). Aesthetic/cosmetic surgery and ethical challenges. Aesthetic Plast Surg, 44(4):1364–1374 11.
Mohsen, M., Nader, S., &, H., Mohammadbagher, Hakimeh, A., & Masoud., M. (2022). The effect of cosmetic surgery on self-esteem and body image: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trial studies. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 1-9. 10.1007/s00238-022-01987-6.
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